
Fibreteks by wholesale and retail: eco-friendly material in "TehNol" company

In our company you can buy fibreteks of high quality at acceptable price in Moscow. There is a wide range of colors and design from leading product manufacturers from Italy.

Peculiarities of fibreteks

This material is like nonwoven synthetical fiber, that is produced on the basis of polyester and polypropylene. In the process of its manufacturing several advanced technologies are combined together, including propylene in fibres extrusion and material processing on special facility (carding and needle-punched plant units). As a result, we manage to achieve high uniformity degree and excellent working characteristics of fibreteks.

In the assortment of our company there is special fabric with the following characteristics:

Canvas for invisible furniture parts coating
Product item Makeup peculiarities Acceptable colours Density index
Width of canvas
Length of roll
1 Smooth 100% polyester grey 100 1600 100
2 Smooth 100% polyester black, grey, beige, brown 120 1600 100
3 Stamped 100% polyester black, grey, beige, brown 120 1600 100

Due to particular constellation of chemical and physical properties fibreteks is applied in different spheres.

Application field of fibreteks

The necessity for buying fibreteks for common usage may be required by not only enterprises and organization, engaging in different spheres but also private parties.

The fields in which material has the greatest popularity:

  • furniture industry - engineering fiber is applied for creation of inner furniture components coating. For example, if you decided to buy spring box, fiberteks would be suited for pull-case production;
  • textile products manufacturing - fabric which has elasticity and softness can be the basis for overclothes, pillows and mattresses production;
  • building sphere - grey and brown fibreteks is used in land utilization works, in the process of vent and filtering systems creation, for roadway repair and provisions of industry material storage places;
  • sport - special fabric is used for planishing of skis surfaces.

Advantages of fibreteks

Alongside with universalism this material has other plus points. The following are among them:

  • longevity - fibreteks is prood against the action of ultraviolet emission, retains properties upon contact of reactive substances, does not react to temperature variations, possesses high operation life, durability is reckoned in years;
  • simplicity of processing - material can be sticked together, welded, tufted, laminated and perforated achieving the sufficient technical characteristics and design;
  • ecological compatibility - thare are no dangerous components, which can provoke allergic reaction. Besides, fibreteks as well as thermal fibre felt bought by wholesale or retail, is not subject to mustiness and bugs attacks;
  • wide range of colors - you can buy black, grey, beige or brown fibreteks at a price, that very accostable.

Our company's experts provide you with consultancy support and give you information about the material peculiarities you are interested in. You have an opportunity to order special fabric by wholesale and retail. Delivery is carried out across Russia. Please, contact us: +7 495 505-3072, +7 495 134-2834.

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